Florida Straits / Taiwan Straits both on the 23rd Parallel, both creating Soft Underbelly Paranoia IMMENSE FAHRENHEIT (I.F.) — A utopia under the seashelf…in mineshafts…sir… we could survive… with the atmosfere at immense Fahrenheit of nuclear exchange… He is in flight sir… in flight? Yes sir he is intravenous flight…. Take from FILM by SAMUEL BECKETT… in flight… electro conculsvie shock… the falling man flying LSD out the window NY…. Screaam …. Sir a paper on screaming If kruschev screams here… we will scream … here … and so on yada yada dingding ding In the war room…. A comedy based on verification of a single missile silo…. Take each step from scymanzkis schematic excel… sir we have noted this movement here…. aand…. If if if ticking off an iff checklist a waterfall feature… yada yada ding ding yes sir missiles are active.. INVASIVE FLUORIDE. Message is decrypted. Find I.F. Address: Louisiana… Goes to the site… its a dentist’s called Invasive Fluoride. SOVIET NOTE READS: VISIT I.F. AUTHORISED LATER NOTE: CONDUCT IF MANEUVRE AUTHORISED IF inertial faultline Incipient Fracture Immolative flight Invisible forces Intimate fucklight Internal Memo, do not circulate, I.F. https://jfkfacts.org/did-the-cia-seek-to-hypnotize-an-assassin-to-kill-fidel-castro/ MANCHURIAN CANDIDATE CONTROL HIS MIND TO KILL CASTRO OPERATION IN-Fidel
interference patterns colliding, intepellating in the Florida straits…disonnance…like a Beckett play… …staccato …a coronal mass ejection of energy …psychokinetics…psychometeorology..psychopluvias..octopi face