
The Dialectical Unity of National and Planetary Security: The Search for a New Syncretic Philosophy in the New Era

China, Namibia and a Uranium Mining Dispute: Spectral Infrastructure and the Movement of Memory in Revolution

The Geopoetics of Invention and the Movement of Archaeology: Sanxingdui 三星堆 and the Southwestern Silk Road

The Nomos of the Eye An Integrative Image of China’s First Nuclear Test on October 16, 1964

A Transtemporal Study of the Qianjie Coastal Depopulation (1661-1683) and the Making of a Qing Maritime Frontier in Fujian and Guangdong

Book Review – John T. Sidel, Republicanism, Communism, Islam – Cosmopolitan Origins of Revolution in Southeast Asia

Early Chinese newspaper pioneers in Indonesia and their influence (2021.06.03)

Southeast Asia in a Global Context and Lieberman’s Strange Parallels (2021.5.27)

Weber’s ‘The Religion of China’ and Lieberman’s law of inertia (2021.5.20)

M.N. Srinivas’s Social Change in Modern India and the Berkeley Connection, May 1963 (2021.4.29)

Clifford Geertz’s ‘The Religion of Java’ and the Cold War (2021.4.15)

South and Southeast Asian Studies in Modern China (2021.4.8)

Along the Archival Grain- Epistemic Anxieties and Colonial Common Sense – A Review (2021.4.1)

Marx and South and Southeast Asian Studies (2021.3.25)

Comparative Studies of Indian History(2021.3.18)

Venture Capital in China’s Commercial Space Sector: Searching for Elon

Time and the Academy: A Study of Satellite Imagery, Time and Possibility in a Pandemic

‘To the Countryside’: Liang Shuming and the Anti-Urban Impulse of Rural Reconstruction, 1927 – 1949

The Geographic Vitality of the University

So-of-itself: Wu-wei 無為, water falling, and the ‘lower position’ in the Laozi A Comparative Study of the Daodejing, the Analects and the Xuanxue School

Venture Capital in China’s Commercial Space Sector: A Preliminary Study

Venture Capital in China’s Commercial Space Sector: Searching for Elon

Xi Jinping and China’s Assertive Foreign Policy in the South China Sea

Nationalism and Chinese Foreign Policy

The PLA and Chinese Foreign Policy

Structural Constraints and Chinese Foreign Policy

Paramount Leaders and Chinese Foreign Policy

The Evolving Structure of Chinese Foreign Policy-Making


Один пояс — один путь | 一带一路: An Experimental Film

Open Expansion Blue Chrysalis Closed Contraction Grey Dialysis The Structural Paradox of the New Silk Road

The New Silk Road Project

Futureland – A Reader

Futureland – An Experimental Documentary

Unless the Water is Safer than the Land

World Hothouse With Many Rooms

Vertical Logistics – A Proposal

Eastern Hemispheric Stack


Weatherworlds: Affective experience, atmosphere and event

Critically examine the relations between affective experience, power and space

Thinking Spaces of Ontogenerative Experience

Precarity as Infrastructural Anxiety: To what extent and how might this proposition be a useful lens through which to understand contemporary Indian society and politics?

Tensions & Intersections: Mapping the Global Offshore Banking Network

How well equipped are geographers to understand and experiment with atmospheres?

Architects of the Revolution? Building Fællesskab on the Asphalt A Study of Youth Politics in Nørrebro, Copenhagen

‘The economic crisis that erupted in 2008 will bring the dominance of London and New York as global financial centres to a end’. Discuss.

‘Financial markets are like the mirror of mankind, revealing every hour the way we value ourselves and the resources of the world around us.’ Discuss

A Political Ecology of Disappearing Permafrost

How does the rise of China and India as international donors change our understanding of development?

Are geographical inequalities in health just surrogates for other inequalities?

A Political Ecology of Climate Change in South Africa

What does a focus on everyday life add to our understanding of cultural and political geography?

International policy, economics and governance of climate change

Mutual influences of landscape, people and climate in the Neolithic Revolution

‘Civil society can provide a valuable framework for understanding and changing the world.’ Discuss.

Histories of Environmental Thought

Globalisation – the greatest achievement of civilisation or the greatest delusion. Discuss.

The shifting geography of the biomes under rapid and extensive climate change

Ecosystem Disturbances and Dynamic Threshold Changes

To what extent has globalisation reshaped the map of the world economy in the last 40 years?

Sunken or Buoyed? A Phenomenological Study of flooding and mobility in Osney Island, Oxford

The First Law of Thermodynamics and problems evaluating energy fluxes at the ecosystem level

The Anthropogenic Influence on the Urban Heat Island Effect

Global Atmospheric Circulation and the modulation of the Afro-Asian monsoon

How far are schemes for Pleistocene Rewilding motivated by disenchantment with humanity

Explain the processes which may occur during the interval between the moment of evaporation and all forms of precipitation at Earth’s surface

Who was responsible for the financial crisis that erupted in 2008?

Patterns of energy input to the atmosphere and receipt at the surface control Earth’s broad climatic regimes. Discuss

Appraise the contention that education largely serves to reproduce social inequalities

To what extent is it accurate to say that there has been a transformation in the nature and location of work in the UK in the past 40 years?

The Politics of Migration, Who needs migration?

Analyse how these controls on stream channel segment geometry adjust to downstream variations in water discharge, sediment load & potential energy

Climate influences on karst landsystems

Define what is meant by the lithological and structural properties of rockmass (Yossarian)

‘The economic crisis that erupted in 2008 will bring the dominance of London and New York as global financial centres to a end’. Discuss.

Is stability possible in multi-ethnic states? Consider with particular reference to examples from post Soviet states and Yugoslavia.

What does a focus on “youth” tell us about economic, social and political change in contemporary India?

To what extent is ‘difference’ revealed through the meaning and symbolism of urban landscapes

With reference to specific examples, discuss the importance of understanding landscapes as ‘a way of seeing’ in cultural geography